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Spring Cleaning! Five Ways to Downsize Thoughtfully


Contemplating a move to a senior living community but worried about downsizing? Don't stress - with the right plan and approach, downsizing is manageable! We recognize that the sentimental value, quantity, and utility of your possessions can complicate the decision-making process. Take a look at our recommendations for getting organized before your move. Let's tackle Spring Cleaning together!


Picture Your Dream Space and Lifestyle  

Finding the motivation to begin organizing can be a challenge, but considering your personal goals can provide the push you need. Whether it's a desire for less household duties or more social interactions, focusing on the aspects of senior living that excite you can help get the process started.

Take the time to imagine the look of your new space as a way to figure out which belongings are crucial to bring with you to your new home at The Village of Southampton. The decision-making process is much easier when you know of the items you definitely plan to keep! 

Tip: Downsizing is easier when you set aside the items you know you want to keep. This way you won’t have to make decisions for everything.  


A Process that Works for You

There’s lots of ways to tackle downsizing. It’s important to find what method works best for you! Think about the time of day you feel most motivated; If you’re a night-owl, you may want to find time in the evening for organization. Consider playing music while working to stay energized. Test out multiple methods to determine your favorite organization style!

Tip: Plan out the dates and times for your downsizing tasks. Stay consistent with your schedule and make sure to include plenty of breaks. Having set times for work and rest will make the process run more smoothly.


Take it One Step at a Time 

If you're someone who focuses on tasks, this packing trick is designed for you! It's most effective to tackle one area or room at a time. This method allows you to feel accomplished each time you finish decluttering a full closet or messy desk. Adding a checkmark to your to-do list is always a rewarding feeling!


Sorting Items 

We get that your items have sentimental value and can be difficult to let go of. We recommend sorting your things into four piles. This way you’ll know each item gets put to good use: 

  • Keep - This category is for the items you know you’ll want to bring with you to your next home!

  • Gift - Even though you may not need certain items, your children, grandkids, or even neighbors may have the perfect use for it! Plus, they’ll love knowing that their new ice cream scoop or recipe book came from you! 

  • Donate - Look for local resale stores in your area to donate your gently used items and some may even offer free furniture pick-up!    

  • Discard - One of the great benefits of this option is the feeling of relief you get when clearing out your space by throwing items in the trash or recycling bin.

Tip: To gauge if something will be missed, consider whether it has been used within the last year. If not, it is unlikely to be used in the following year. 


Utilize Labels

Make sure to label every box with the items and room it belongs to during the packing process. This will simplify the unpacking process and help you locate your belongings when necessary.

Tip: Make sure to have a designated box labeled "Right Away" for important items needed immediately after moving, like glasses, medications, and chargers.


Downsizing may feel overwhelming, but with the help of these practical suggestions, the task can be simplified. Downsizing brings about benefits like less mess, lower maintenance stress, and more chances for fun in a senior living community.


If you want more information about downsizing or are curious about our complimentary furniture plan, please reach out to our team for assistance!

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